Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Do I Even Have Feet Anymore?

Today was weird.  Weird is the only word I could use because not only do my feet hurt feel like painful pirate peg legs, I also was shot down in the OR today...and I kind of liked it? I don't know.  The jury is still out.  There is nothing more humiliating than being in a room with smart people when the main smart person tells you "No, that's not right."  It's a special feeling.  I would describe it as a sense of crawl in a hole and die mixed with "SH*T WHY DID I EVEN OPEN MY MOUTH?!" I guess I'm a sadomasochist, because now that I think back on the day, it was a special and unique experience.  I learned from the situation and yadda yadda yadda....

I bumbled through the rest of my day.  Came home (and by home I mean to the QT ((if you don't know what a QT is ,here.)) and ate healthy food.  Ok that's a lie too. I ate a bag of salsa verde Doritos, which RULED with a Coke Icee.  If you know me at all you know Icees are one of my sources of weakness as well as an emotional crutch.  I then proceeded to eat/drink said gourmet in my bed without pants on. It ruled.  I then finished out tonight's 4 course meal, after a quick siesta  (I AM SO TEXAS RIGHT NOW) with Progresso light Chicken Noodle and a dessert of a Kind bar.

After all of today, I guess I am really very grateful.  I learned what is like to be wrong and that I didn't die from humiliation so that's a plus, I suppose.  Maybe I'll start drinking wine and reading my very enthralling night read, Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care 4.  I'll report back on how buzzed studying goes soon.

Eat the chips, drink the wine

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