Sunday, September 22, 2013

Eating and Feelings...All in One Post

  I'll admit.  This week was hard.  It was hard in ways that I was prepared for...then it was hard in ways you will never be able to prepare yourself for.  When the end of this hectic week, which seemed to all blur together, ended, I was lonely.  Coming back to an empty hotel room to the expectations of nothing is a pretty big hit in the gut.  I know a lot of other people in my program also may have felt this feeling,  but this blog is about me so there.

  At first (aka the first like 2 hours) I was ok with the silence, the solitude, the alone.  After that it hit me.  I really am all alone in a city where I only know people from the clinic and that was hard.  All of my friends, family, and my one boyfriend (more than that would just be a mess), were a thousand miles away. All of my friends (or so it felt) would be at the Gator game this weekend and I would be stuck here by my lonesome.  It's understandable, people have lives and they're busy, but I had an only child lonely moment and could not handle it.  So I drank two beers, cried, and watched Game of Thrones for 6 hours with out pants on.  That was my Friday night.

After I wallowed in my own self pity Friday night, I woke up to Saturday with plans to just try to enjoy myself.  So I went to eat, my favorite past time.  It was suggested to eat at an establishment called Whiskey Cake.  Yes, you read right, Whiskey Cake.  It was awesome to say the least.  The weapon of choice this day was brunch and as one of my very best friends likes to say "Bitches love brunch." That they do.  So with my hair looking big and bitchy (a saying from my mother for fabulous hair) I sat down at the bar in my Gator PFG and ordered a bloody mary (Bloody will be its title from here on out).  The bartender was friendly and was clad in what went with the prohibition-esque, farm-esque, theme that the restaurant had going on.  Bartender then offers me the last of the Bacon and some spicy thing flavored vodka.  Duh, yes I'm getting that for the Bloody.  He then informed me that most of their offerings were local (so hipster and cool) and that pretty much everything was great.  I chose the B.E.L.T.  Bacon, egg, lettuce, tomato WITH a fried green tomato.  I am forever won over by the FGT. Here is what I ate:


  After my delicious lunch, I decided to treat myself to a new phone case.  Get crazy, I know.  I then watched my Gators beat Tennessee at a place called the Fox and Hound Bar and Grille, with an e.  It was nice to be surrounded by complete strangers who were legitimately happy to meet me.  We drank beer (yay!), and watched football (Yay again!).  

Being able to conquer my feelings is something of a big deal for me.  I can have the tendency to get lost in how I feel at the moment and not be able to look forward to what could be a great experience.  This experience continuous to teach me medically, but also personally.  So today, I think I will enjoy my chores that I have to do with a PSL in hand, watch the Falcons play some football, and cook myself something good, because that's what makes me happy.

Eat the chips and drink the wine,

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